Communication Package

Communication module. Provides generic abstraction for communication and commonly used concrete implementations.

ECSS & CCSDS Package

This module contains PUS data structures and helpers common for both PUS telemetry and telecommands.


Application Package


Contains core methods called by entry point files to setup and start a tmtccmd application. It also re-exports commonly used classes and functions.

Core Package

Telemetry Handling Package

Telecommand Handling Package

Application Configuration Package

Configuration helpers and definitions.


  • tmtccmd.config.hook - Base hook class which should be implemented by user and is used by the framework to retrieve certain configuration from the user.

  • tmtccmd.config.args - Various helper methods and classes to create the argument parsers and arguments converts to create the data structures expected by this library from passed CLI arguments.

Miscellaneous Modules

Logging Module

Version Module

Other Modules